Tools & Resources

Stakeholder Engagement using Social Media

The University Hospital Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) faces a unique communication challenge due its large geographic area. This makes it very difficult and time consuming for the Trust to communicate effectively with its three different constituencies of Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow. Therefore in an innovative move, it has been using emerging social media as a potential solution to this problem.

Leading for Success

This case study explores the work undertaken by 5BP to develop managers and leaders at the Trust, ensuring that development is aligned to the Trust’s strategic objectives. In early 2009, the Trust developed a Leadership Development Framework, including leadership competences and leadership and management development programmes. The activity has enabled the Trust to align leadership development to the pursuit of Trust objectives, and has attracted considerable interest from both clinical and non-clinical staff in the Trust.

Skill Mix: Re-profiling the North West Workforce

The financial constraints brought about by the current economic environment will mean continuing growth in demand for NHS services; this will need to be met through reduced resources available in the financial budget - “Doing more with Less”. This paper summarises the workforce metric ‘Grade Mix’ within the benchmarking service on the eWIN portal and the use of this metric. The Grade Mix tool is a key resource for organisations to help plan and model future workforce configurations and calculate potential cost savings.
