Workforce Transformation

Health Education North West - The North West Local Education and Training Board

Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) are part of the new education and training architecture, first introduced in Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce - From design to delivery.The North West Local Education and Training Board, known as Health Education North West, is a collaboration between healthcare organisations and other partners in the region to ensure that they develop a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting the needs of patients today and in the future. Health Education North West will work through devolved arrangements with three Local Workforce and

Greater Manchester Forerunner Fund Bids

Health Education North West (HENW) has been able to set aside £1m for each local workforce and education group (LWEG) to develop local programmes that support transformational and developmental projects within their respective area. Each LWEG may establish its own principles and process in agreement with HENW officers, on the basis that the requirements of HENW as the accountable organisation are met.This document contains an overview of the 15 projects in Greater Manchester that have been funded by the HENW Forerunner Fund.

General Practice Workforce Investment

Over 90% of all patient contact occurs within primary care (Deloitte 2012, p.4) and national policy is directing an emphasis on moving care closer tohome to improve patient experiences and reduce cost to the overall system. The NHS Five Year Forward View (2014) indicates that the foundationof the NHS should remain as list-based primary care (where GPs are contracted to service patient lists where the patients are registered) via a range of service models, with a stronger role in prevention and condition management.

Modernising Scientific Careers: Clinical Scientist Training delivered via the Scientist Training Programme (STP)

The Modernising Scientific Careers (MSC) programme will ensure we have a healthcare science workforce which has the skills, knowledge and flexibility to embrace these technological and scientific advances for the benefit of NHS service users. This article, which is the third in a series of MSC hot topics, focuses on the clinical scientist training delivered via the Scientist Training Programme (STP)which, following a pilot in 2010, was rolled out nationally in 2011. 

Building Learning & Development Excellence

Building Learning & Development Excellence is the title given to a Competency Framework and Development Programme aimed at supporting Learning and Development (L&D) leaders to lead high performing L&D functions.The resource recognises the pivotal role of learning and development functions in enabling a workforce that is; fit for purpose, flexible to service and patient need, and aligned to the quality and productivity agenda.With over 203,000 staff working in patient health care across 41 NHS providers in the North West, the challenge to meet the range and scale of learning and

Applying a Knowledge Management Framework at This Time of NHS Transition

The Knowledge Management (KM) team within Connecting for Health (NHS CFH), is part of the Department of Health Informatics Directorate (DHID). This team has developed a Knowledge Transition Toolkit to support the NHS capture and share learning as it transitions to the future state.This toolkit supports business continuity, providing the means by which the NHS of the future can build on the experience and good practice of its predecessors.

Values Based Competency Interview Questions for Clinical Roles

In 2012, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust rolled out values-based competency interview questions for recruitment to clinical roles. These were developed by the Human Resources (HR) Department, to support recruiting managers and help ensure that new recruits exhibit and share the Trust’s five core values; caring, dignity, respect, openness and pride.These core values were developed by the staff in order to localise the NHS Constitution and provide the guiding principles that underpin everything the Trust does.

Value-Focused Trust Induction Programme

Mersey Care NHS Trust has an ambition to be recognised as the leading organisation in the provision of mental health care, addiction services and learning disability care, with quality, recovery and wellbeing at the heart of everything it does. As such the Trust has completely transformed its staff induction process, developing a unique programme in January 2014 that focuses on embedding its culture and values into the hearts and minds of staff.

NHS Corporate Citizenship and 'Inspiring young minds': Manchester

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) has always offered work experience for school and college age learners, but in addition, since March 2010 a staff volunteering programme has been in place, designed to help inspire young people and to open their eyes to the career opportunities in healthcare.This not only broadens their horizons but serves to nurture the next generation of NHS staff and gives existing staff the opportunity to mentor and support the learning of these young people, which can be a very rewarding experience. 
