Tools & Resources

The Francis Report - Dean Royles’ Briefing

There are 290 recommendations within the Francis Report which are fully outlined in the Report’s Executive Summary.This briefing is a summary of the key recommendations that Dean Royles, director of NHS Employers, has identified as having a workforce focus. Dean is a regular conference speaker, published in a number of journals and provides expert opinion in the national media. He was voted HR’s Most Influential Practitioner in 2012. 

Rapid Access Physiotherapy: Reducing Musculoskeletal Sickness Absence

In 2010 Five Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust was reported to have an absence rate of nearly 7%, with musculoskeletal sickness absence accounting for 17% of this.A new physiotherapy manager reviewed the existing physiotherapy service at the Trust in the last quarter of 2010 and implemented a number of changes in 2011 in order to improve the service. The new system was based on the principles of rapid access and the results have been extremely positive. 

CPD Apply: Electronic Application and Monitoring Tool for Continuing Professional Development

‘CPD-Apply’ is an electronic application and monitoring system tool, for all Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity, resourced by the Multi-Professional Education and Training (MPET) monies managed by HEalth Education North West (formerly NHS North West). The MPET resource funds CPD provision for clinically professionally registered staff (excluding doctors and dentists) in placement provider organisations.  

NHS Values and Behaviors Web Based Tool

The NHS Constitution enshrines for patients and staff alike “the right to be treated with dignity and respect, in accordance with your human rights”. In order to help the NHS achieve this, a set of values have been developed by patients, staff and the public to inspire passion in the NHS and to guide it into the 21st Century.These values and behaviours provide common ground for co-operation, to enable the achievement of shared aspirations; yet individual organisations are also expected to develop and refresh their own values, so that theyare tailored to meet local needs. 

Multi-professional Educational Audit and Monitoring Tool

During 2012 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT) developed a single multi-professional educational audit and monitoring tool which is used across all non-medical Health Professions to standardise the educational audit process and provide a consistent quality assurance standard.Within the Learning and Development Agreement (LDA) with NHS North West, all organisations are required to be able to evidence how they quality assure the clinical placements they provide.

Education Outcomes Framework

The Education Outcomes Framework (EOF) is a framework, which applies to the healthcare system as a whole and is intended to measure progress in improvements in education, training and workforce development and the consequential impact on the quality and safety of services for patients.

National General Practice Profiles

National General Practice (GP) Profiles are designed as a tool to support GPs, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and PCTs to ensure that they are providing and commissioning effective and appropriate healthcare services for their local population.Using a variety of graphical displays such as spine charts and population pyramids, the tool represents a range of practice-level indicators drawn from the latest available data, including:     

Empowering Your Ward Managers Work-based Learning Programme: Blackpool

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Blackpool FT) has worked in collaboration with Lancaster University’s Centre for Training and Development (CETAD), to develop a robust, accredited learning programme for its ward managers, who in the current NHS landscape have had to undertake a range of managerial tasks as well as their normal clinical role. 

Empowering Your Ward Managers Work-based Learning Programme: Lancaster University

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Blackpool FT) has worked in collaboration with Lancaster University’s Centre for Training and Development (CETAD), to develop a robust, accredited learning programme for its ward managers, who in the current NHS landscape have had to undertake a range of managerial tasks as well as their normal clinical role. 
