Education Transformation

Graduate Management Flexi-Placement: Career Development Strategy within the Institution of Civil Engineers

The NHS North West HR Graduate Training Scheme gives its trainees the opportunity to spend two months working on flexi-placements in organisations that are external to the NHS. Such placements are a great opportunity for trainees to gain experience and share good practice. This develops their skills and confidence, whilst also benefitting the NHS through the knowledge they gain.

Graduate Management Flexi-Placement: Achieving Staff Engagement at United Utilities

The NHS North West HR Graduate Training Scheme gives its trainees the opportunity to spend two months working on flexi-placements in organisations that are external to the NHS. Such placements are a great opportunity for trainees to gain experience and share good practice. This develops their skills and confidence, whilst also benefitting the NHS through the knowledge they gain.

Get Into Healthcare, NAViGO and TUKES

Introducing Dominic Davis-Eaton’s own story of his personal experiences as he came through the Get into Healthcare programme in Grimsby with NAViGO and Tukes. Reading the account of his journey is inspiring and demonstrates a positive turnaround in a young person’s life. How he battled against his mental health issues at a young age and came through the other side is a shining example of determination and self- belief.

From Student Nurse to Practice Nurse Benefits of ATP scheme

From Student Nurse to Practice Nurse … the benefits of the Advanced Training Practice Scheme and the exposure to a General Practice environment that it provides.A Practice Nurse gives her account of her experience as an undergraduate nurse and the opportunity the Advanced Training Practice (ATP) Scheme gave her in general practice. She describes her journey from qualification to employment, as a General Practice Nurse. Highlighting excellent support, supervision and 1:1 mentoring that ATP placements provide.

Effective Management Medical Rotas using a Rota Co-ordination Team

The Rota Co-ordination function was devised to provide effective management of Medical rotas using a rota co-ordination team to minimise costs and maximise service. Through centrally managing the day to day rostering of Junior Doctors, efficiencies could be achieved in locum spend and optimising the cover levels with the available staff. Monioring the cost savings made by the rota team and have identified for the period April 2012 to 2013 a total of £581,000 savings across the seven directorates.

Developing Future Leaders within Health and Social Care through a MSc Leadership Development Programme

A MSc leadership programme at Edge Hill University has been developed in collaboration with twenty-six key stakeholders who hold senior/executive positions within health and social care, including; an executive nurse, chief biomedical scientist and regional lead for North West, head of physiotherapy and occupational therapy, head of learning and development, paramedic lead for clinical leadership for the North West Ambulance Service, consultant nurse, senior social worker, assistant director of patient safety and infection control, as well as directors of nursing and matrons.The catalyst fo

Delivering Stroke Specific Education and Training

One of the aims of the National Stroke Strategy (2007) was to ensure that high quality stroke care is provided by people working anywhere along the stroke pathway, (NICE 2013); from prevention through to long-term care. The Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF), is a professional development web-based tool, which was developed as the first step in ensuring the realisation of this aim and is the first pathway-specific education framework of its kind in the UK.

Cancer Awareness Champions Promoting Cancer Awareness and Early Diagnosis

Wigan Council’s Cancer Champion programme initially started as part of The ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ Campaign instigated and initially led by Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cancer Network (GMCCN), in partnership with local Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), following the network successfully securing National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative (NAEDI) funding to promote cancer awareness and early diagnosis.The programme ran across eleven PCTs across Greater Manchester and Cheshire commencing in May 2011.

Health Visitors Event

This article focuses on a community engagement event held at Sutton Children’s Centre to highlight the role of the health visitor in supporting families in the local community to improve their health and well-being.The aim was to deliver key health messages, in particular focusing on the six high impact areas of health visiting: transition to parenthood; breastfeeding; accident prevention and managing minor illness; healthy weight; and healthy two year olds and school readiness.  
