Principles of Good Practice when establishing health and wellbeing outreach work in school settings

Tuesday, 28 May, 2019

The purpose of this document is to provide some guiding principles to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that are working with HEE North to establish community outreach opportunities for undergraduate health care learners in community settings.

This work supports the HEE mandate deliverables on population health and wellbeing, widening participation and access into NHS careers. It supports the imperative for health professionals to develop health promotion and prevention skills captured in the expected competencies to be achieved during pre- registration healthcare training programmes (NMC, 2010; GMC, 2015). The new pre-registration standards for nursing emphasise health promotion and prevention skills further. In addition, the new strategic workforce framework for nursing, midwifery and care staff has signaled a key goal whereby the development of a workforce skilled, knowledgeable, confident in their ability to support health promotion and prevention is essential (NHS, 2016).

See also "Health and Wellbeing Outreach Programme delivered by undergraduate learners"

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