Training and Education for Domiciliary Care Staff in End of Life Care

Wirral Metropolitan College Health and Social Care team have produced a 2 day course “Introduction to the principles of End of Life Care” with support, help, advice from the Wirral End of Life Care facilitators and Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Network. To date 8 programmes have been delivered by college tutors to a total of 130 staff with very positive feedback from both the attendees and their managers. In almost all cases people attending the course feel they have increased confidence, skills and knowledge and most feel they will benefit from the training and apply it in practice. 

Health Education North West - The North West Local Education and Training Board

Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) are part of the new education and training architecture, first introduced in Liberating the NHS: Developing the healthcare workforce - From design to delivery.The North West Local Education and Training Board, known as Health Education North West, is a collaboration between healthcare organisations and other partners in the region to ensure that they develop a highly skilled workforce capable of meeting the needs of patients today and in the future. Health Education North West will work through devolved arrangements with three Local Workforce and

CPD Apply: Electronic Application and Monitoring Tool for Continuing Professional Development

‘CPD-Apply’ is an electronic application and monitoring system tool, for all Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity, resourced by the Multi-Professional Education and Training (MPET) monies managed by HEalth Education North West (formerly NHS North West). The MPET resource funds CPD provision for clinically professionally registered staff (excluding doctors and dentists) in placement provider organisations.  
