GP Tool for HEYH Region

Thursday, 16 October, 2014

The primary aim of the GP Tool is to collect information on primary care practice staff. This includes GPs, nurses, direct patient care workers, practice management and apprentices so that:Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber (HEYH) can invest in training and education in primary care GP practices are supported in workforce planningCommissioners of services can understand the current and future workforce challenges in Primary CareThe pilot at HEYH has developed a web-based tool to collect and record primary care workforce information. The collected data is then analysed in quarterly reports and fed back to practices. Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber(HEYH)is gaining a better understanding of the workforce capacity and capability in the region, which will help HEYH commission the right training and development opportunities as well as invest in workforce initiatives tailored to primary care that deliver real benefits to patients. 

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